16th October 2024

Search East Langton Parish Council

East Langton Parish Council Serving the people of East Langton & Church Langton

Wildlife Verge

And win a prize

East Langton Parish Council needs new signs for the Wildlife Verge in Church Langton.

Can you help?

  • Use drawings or photos of plants, insects that live on the verge.
  • Tell people why the verge is important for wildlife

Find information about our wildlife verge project and pictures on the East Langton Parish website and noticeboards also at https://www.naturespot.org.uk Go and look at the verge which is on both sides of the Causeway from the houses down to the Thorpe Langton Road.

The chosen signs will be professionally printed and put on the verge. Last date for entries is 31st August, please add your name, age and a contact address and telephone number. Designs can be collected at Church Langton Primary School, can be emailed to the parish clerk at eastlangtonpc@gmail.com or popped into Cllr Roz Folwell's letter box 39 Thornton Crescent, Church Langton.

See Competition Poster

Wildlife Verge in Church Langton

Leicestershire County Council encourage communities to develop wildlife areas on grass verges. For more information see the leaflet below and link to Leicestershire County Council's website

The Parish Council has agreed a part of the verge on Church Causeway from the Village Entry Sign to the first private access to be part of this scheme with Leicestershire County Council. The area is identified with blue hearts. The County Council did a risk assessment of the area before agreeing the site and an extension was agreed in 2024. The County Council do not mow the identified part of the verge at all. In September the Parish Council has to arrange for the verge to be mown and then a few days later the cuttings have to be removed by volunteers.

The Parish Council is please to have agreed with Great Glen Community Wildspace that they will cut the verge in September for a small price. As members of this group are experts in this area the Parish Council also appreciates the advice this group is able to give.

The County Council arranged for NatureSpot, a Leicestershire Wildlife Charity, to do a survey on the verge in July 2022 and a follow up survey in June 2024 following the extension of the verge These can be seen below along with the relevant web link.

Parish Councillor Irene Ward and the volunteers have been taking photographs on a monthly basis and sharing with the Parish Council and volunteers. The pictures can be seen below.

If anyone wishes to volunteer on this project please get in touch with the clerk

Monthly photograph updates

March 2024

Clr Ward planted some wild primroses on the verge at the beginning of the year and it looks like they have taken

Primroses March 2024

Primroses on wildlife verge March 2024

Primroses March 2024

Primroses on wildlife verge March 2024

This "run" through the ditch and hedge was observed. It is not sure what animal it would be.

A "run" through the hedge and ditch

A "run" through the ditch and hedge

September 2023

Blue Hearts on the verge

Blue Heart on verge
Blue Heart on verge
Blue Heart on verge

August 2023

Wildlife Verge mowed end of August 2023

The wildlife verge was mowed at the end of August 2023.

The next job was to rake the cuttings and bag them up. This was organised by Cllr Ward and carried out by councillors and volunteers. Thank you to everyone for doing this.

Rakes and High Viz Vests

Rakes and High Viz Vests for raking the cuttings

Raking the grass cuttings

Cllr Barnes and a volunteer raking the grass cuttings

Grass cuttings bagged up

Grass cuttings bagged up awaiting removal for recycling

Blue hearts to identify the wildlife verge

Blue Hearts to identify the Wildlife Verge - made by Cllr Ward

July 2023 (9/7/23)

wildlfe verge picture July 2023

Wildlife verge photo taken 9/7/23

Wildlife verge July 2023

Wildlife Verge photo taken 9/7/23

July flowers identified: Climbing nightshade, Great hairy willow herb, Herb Robert, Creeping Buttercup, Common horsetail, Hedge woundwort, Blackberry blossom, Dandelion, Pineapple weed, Green dock, White dead nettle, Rough Chervil, Mallow, Dove's-foot-cranesbill, Field thistle, Hawksbeard, Common Yarrow, White Clover and finally Wild Morning Glory.

Two Butterflies:thought to be female large white and a comma

June 2023 (6/6/23)

Birds Eye (Veronica Chamaedes agg). Taken 6/6/23

Birds Eye (Veronica Chamaedes agg). Taken 6/6/23

Catchweed Bedstraw?

Catchweed Bedstraw? (taken 6/6/23)

Cocks Foot Grass

Cocks Foot Grass? Taken 6/6/23

Dog Rose, taken 6/6/23

Dog Rose. Taken 6/6/23

Elder (sambucus nigra). Taken 6/6/23

Elder (sambucus nigra). Taken 6/6/23

Red Campion. Taken 6/6/23

Red Campion. Taken 6/6/23

Sainfoin. Taken 6/6/23

Sainfoin. Taken 6/6/23

Spring Vetch, taken 6/6/23

Spring Vetch, taken 6/6/23

White Dead Nettle (Lamium album). Taken 6/6/23

White Dead Nettle (Lamium album). Taken 6/6/23

May 2023 (16/5/23 and 17/5/23)

Cow Parsley and May

Cow Parsley from north end of the verge 16/5/23

Grass and Wildflowers

Healthy looking grass and a few wildflowers 16/5/23


Buttercup (17/5/23)

Hedge Mustard

Hedge Mustard 17/5/23

Hedgerow Cranesbill? 17/5/23

Hedgerow cranesbill? 17/5/23

White Deadnettle

White Dead Nettle

Wildflowers not identified, taken on 17/5/23

Not identified, taken on 17/5/23

not identified, taken on 17/5/23

Not identified, taken on 17/5/23

not identified, taken on 17/5/23

Not identified, taken on 17/5/23

not identified, taken on 17/5/23

Not identified, taken on 17/5/23

April 2023

There were violets at the top of the bank, a couple of patches of lesser celendines and a few daisies and dandylions in flower. The area nearest to the village seemed to have less variety of plants on the verge.





Not identified

Not identified



March 2023

March 2023

February 2023 (28/2/23)

A real mixture of grass where it has been cut regularly next to the road along with some daffodils and snowdrops

Wildlife verge Feb 2023
Wildlife verge Feb 2023

A video of the wildlife verge taken on 28/2/23

Last updated: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:17